1LT Jacques van Rooyen is a former member of the 81st SBCT. Upon his return from a deployment to Poland with the Dark Rifles, he entered the US Air Force as a chaplain. Prior to serving in the 81st, he spent a considerable amount of time as a teacher in China. In this episode, he provides us with a street-level perspective of the changes discussed in our previous two episodes.

The Raven Report Podcast
This is the official podcast of the 81st Stryker Brigade of the Washington National Guard. We seek to cultivate a culture of excellence by investing heavily in our Soldiers. In these episodes, you will find those that have displayed the audacity, intelligence, and durability we seek to instill in the Cascade Rifles.
This is the official podcast of the 81st Stryker Brigade of the Washington National Guard. We seek to cultivate a culture of excellence by investing heavily in our Soldiers. In these episodes, you will find those that have displayed the audacity, intelligence, and durability we seek to instill in the Cascade Rifles. Listen on
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