Lieutenant Colonel Tsukano is the former commanding officer at the Marine Detachment Fort Lee, Virginia. His background is in logistics and includes support globally to conventional and unconventional operations. He helped co found the Lethal Minds journal giving service members from across the Department of Defense a place to share their thoughts, insights, and wisdom. His Instagram account, @thecognitivemarine has garnered a cultlike following by those that want to grow the profession of arms. Currently he is enrolled in the United States Naval Institute. In our conversation we explore what logistics will look like in large scale combat operations against a near peer adversary.
EP 16 LTC Julian Tsukano
Jul 21, 2023

The Raven Report Podcast
This is the official podcast of the 81st Stryker Brigade of the Washington National Guard. We seek to cultivate a culture of excellence by investing heavily in our Soldiers. In these episodes, you will find those that have displayed the audacity, intelligence, and durability we seek to instill in the Cascade Rifles.
This is the official podcast of the 81st Stryker Brigade of the Washington National Guard. We seek to cultivate a culture of excellence by investing heavily in our Soldiers. In these episodes, you will find those that have displayed the audacity, intelligence, and durability we seek to instill in the Cascade Rifles. Listen on
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