Jeremy Goldkorn is co-host of the Sinica podcast and editor-in-chief of He moved to China in 1995 and became managing editor of Beijing's first independent English-language entertainment magazine. In 2003, he founded the website and research firm Danwei, which tracked Chinese media, markets, politics, and business. He has lived in a workers’ dormitory, produced a documentary about African soccer players in Beijing, and rode a bicycle from Peshawar to Kathmandu via Kashgar and Lhasa. He moved to Nashville, Tennessee, in 2015 and is a board member of the Tennessee China Network.

The Raven Report Podcast
This is the official podcast of the 81st Stryker Brigade of the Washington National Guard. We seek to cultivate a culture of excellence by investing heavily in our Soldiers. In these episodes, you will find those that have displayed the audacity, intelligence, and durability we seek to instill in the Cascade Rifles.
This is the official podcast of the 81st Stryker Brigade of the Washington National Guard. We seek to cultivate a culture of excellence by investing heavily in our Soldiers. In these episodes, you will find those that have displayed the audacity, intelligence, and durability we seek to instill in the Cascade Rifles. Listen on
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